Elim Junior Academy

Elim Junior Academy provides a Christ-centered learning environment for the educating of students' Head, Heart, and Hands.

School Discipline

Published: October 23, 2018      Updated: October 30, 2018



Discipline at EJA is designed to be redemptive, remedial, and corrective rather than punitive. The school seeks to help students model their behavior after the example of Jesus Christ.


The following principles govern the administration of discipline in the school:


· The school principal is responsible for establishing procedures for  student actions that violate the policies, rules, and regulations of the school, in compliance with the policies of the Southeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and EJA.

· The School Board provides guidance in disciplinary policy or procedures, approves major disciplinary decisions, and makes recommendations to the school administration whenever a serious breach of conduct has been brought to the attention of the Board by the school principal. Actions recommended by the Board will be carried out by the school principal.

· Acceptable discipline includes verbal warning, citation, suspension, confiscation, and expulsion/dismissal. Corporal punishment in any form is not acceptable.

· Each teacher is responsible for their classroom discipline. Teachers will establish a set of classroom rules and consequences which are approved by the school principal and must be observed by the students. Repeated offensive will be referred to the school principal.

· For repeated misconduct or severe violation of the policies, rules, or regulations by a student that requires suspension, or dismissal, the school principal will notify the parents or guardians as soon as  possible of the offenses and the disciplinary action that will be taken.

· Suspension of a student for more than five (5) days or expulsion/dismissal of a student will be approved by the School Board.



EJA has the right to ask students who have shown excessive disrespect for the school’s policies and regulations to withdraw.